Main | Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Birther Of The Day - Wayne Root

"I am President Obama’s classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83. I am also one of the most accurate Vegas odds makers and prognosticators. Accurate enough that I was awarded my own star on the Las Vegas Walk of Stars. And I smell something rotten in Denmark. Obama has a big skeleton in his closet. It’s his college records. Call it gut instinct” but my gut is almost always right. Obama has a secret hidden at Columbia- and it’s a bad one that threatens to bring down his presidency.

"Gut instinct is how I’ve made my living for 29 years since graduating Columbia. [snip] Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not." - Wayne Root, writing for Glenn Beck's The Blaze.

RELATED: Root is a regular guest of Fox News and in 2008 was the Libertarian Party's vice presidential candidate.

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