FRANCE: Catholic Church Issues National Prayer Against Gay Adoption
Pink News reports that the French Catholic Church has revived a 17th century tradition of issuing prayers for the national government. Their first target: gay adoption.
Celebrating the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Church prays for those whose decisions affect the economy in a time of hardship. It then asks God that those who have been elected to govern the country have a “sense of common good of society” which “outweighs special requests” they receive. Lawmakers, it hopes, will follow the “guidance of their conscience”. In opposition to the intended legalisation of gay adoption, the prayer entreaties God that children “cease to be objects of desires and conflicts of adults to fully benefit from the love of a father and a mother”. The Church also asks for “the courage to make hard choices and a better quality of life for all”.France is set to become the next European nation to legalize same-sex marriage.
Labels: Catholic Church, child abuse, France, gay adoption, organized crime, pedophilia, religion