Main | Tuesday, August 21, 2012

FRC: We Placed Anti-Gay Hate Into The
GOP Party Platform! NOW PAY US!!!

Just in via press release:
Dear Joe, The Defense of Marriage Act is under attack. There's no question about it. In September, the Democrats will become the first major party to codify same-sex "marriage" into their platform. This is why Tony Perkins, along with me and other key members of the FRCA team are in Tampa, Florida a week before the convention. We are here to make sure that the Republican platform stays conservative in every way. That means defending marriage between one man and one woman. Yesterday morning we were able to make a good document even better.

As a delegate in the subcommittee that handled health care, education, and the family, Tony was able to reinforce the language on marriage and successfully helped with amendments on conscience rights, abortion in health care, and stem cell research. In other subcommittees, pro-family delegates managed to offer amendments protecting military chaplains and the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Today on the last day of the platform meetings there will be other pro-marriage language voted on in the full committee.

We are there to represent you. We stand up for the family and the unborn wherever we go. We will not back down. Will you help our continued efforts to protect the family and defend the unborn? Whether you can afford $25 -- or even $1,005 -- you can be assured we will use every dollar wisely in our efforts. Thank you, once again for standing with us. Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President, FRC Action.

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