Publisher Yanks Liar "Historian" David Barton's Lying Book Of Christian Lies

Among the many whackadoodle claims that Barton tells trembling-with-joy audiences at his 400 annual speech-making appearances, is that the bible plainly states opposition to the minimum wage, to corporate bailouts, to socialized medicine, and just about anything else that a non-teabagger might endorse. Most infamously, he claims that virtually all of the Founding Fathers were in fact devout evangelical Christians who expressly created the United States to be a nation of, by, and exclusively for Jeebus people. (Via Right Wing Watch)Casey Francis Harrell, Thomas Nelson’s director of corporate communications, told me the publishing house “was contacted by a number of people expressing concerns about [The Jefferson Lies].” The company began to evaluate the criticisms, Harrell said, and “in the course of our review learned that there were some historical details included in the book that were not adequately supported. Because of these deficiencies we decided that it was in the best interest of our readers to stop the publication and distribution.” The Jefferson Lies no longer appears in searches on Thomas Nelson’s website
UPDATE: Listen to NPR's evisceration of Barton.
Labels: books, David Barton, HA HA HA, liars, religion