Main | Tuesday, August 28, 2012

SF Archbishop Apologizes For DUI Arrest

"While visiting in San Diego this past weekend, I had dinner at the home of some friends along with a priest friend visiting from outside the country and my mother, who lives near San Diego State University. While driving my mother home, I passed through a DUI checkpoint the police had set up near the SDSU campus before I reached her home, and was found to be over the California legal blood alcohol level.

"I apologize for my error in judgment and feel shame for the disgrace I have brought upon the Church and myself. I will repay my debt to society and I ask forgiveness from my family and my friends and co-workers at the Diocese of Oakland and the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I pray that God, in His inscrutable wisdom, will bring some good out of this." - Salvatore Cordileone.

RELATED: Some commenters on Catholic and anti-gay sites are claiming that Cordileone was setup by homofascists. SRSLY.

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