Main | Friday, September 28, 2012

Porno Pete: I'm Pissed At Ryan Over DADT

"Has the USA, which professes to be 'under God,' sunk so far and so fast that the societal outrage that greeted a major liberal social-sexual experiment and propelled a GOP landslide less than two decades ago is now just a quaint memory of past prudery and 'prejudice'? A nation in which sexual perversion is a 'non-issue' is a nation in precipitous moral decline. Now more than ever, America needs bold statesmen who courageously lead based on unswerving, godly principles — rather than those who adjust their positions according to polls and political calculations. Kvetching on the Right is to be expected, but Retreating by acquiescing to – and even embracing – the Left’s destructive orthodoxies should not be an option for conservatives who champion faith in God and absolute truth." - Peter LaBarbera, who is super pissed about Paul Ryan's declaration that DADT "is behind us."

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