Main | Monday, October 01, 2012

CALIFORNIA: Liberty Counsel To Sue To Stop "Ex-Gay" Therapy Ban

Predictably, the Liberty Counsel says they will file suit to thwart California's just-approved ban on the "ex-gay" torture and brainwashing of children. Their suit will be filed on behalf of NARTH, whose board member George Rekers was recently exposed for hiring a lithe young male prostitute for a two-week European vacation.
“The California governor and legislature are putting their own preconceived notions and political ideology ahead of children and their rights to get access to counseling that meets their needs,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “A number of minors who have struggled with same-sex attraction have been able to reduce or eliminate the stress and conflicts in their lives by receiving counseling of their choice which best meets their needs and religious convictions. This bill will harm children, stress families, and place counselors in a catch-22, because they will be forced to violate their licensing ethical codes,” said Staver. “This law undermines parental rights,” Staver pointed out. “Mental health decisions should be left to the patient, the parents, and the counselors – not to the government to license one viewpoint,” Staver concluded.
You'd think Staver would have his hands full defending himself from that RICO lawsuit accusing Liberty Counsel of being an accomplice to kidnapping. I guess there's always time for promoting gay suicides. Praise! Glory! Donate!

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