NOM Raised $6.2M In 2011, 75% Of That Money From Just Two Undisclosed Donors
The Human Rights Campaign marched into NOM's Washington office today, demanded their now-publicly due 2011 financial filing, and learned that a massive amount of the hate group's funding last year came from just two undisclosed mega-donors.
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) saw a steep decline in the amount of money it raised in 2011 – dropping to $6.2 million from the $9.1 million it raised the previous year. Just two donors were responsible for funding 75 percent of the anti-gay group – the organization reported two donations of approximately $2.4 million each. In addition to illustrating that more than $4.7 million of NOM’s total $6.2 million reported came from just two mysterious mega-donors, the documents also reveal some interesting information about NOM’s closest affiliates. For example, NOM paid $870,000 to CC Advertising – a group HRC recently filed an FCC complaint against for spamming unsuspecting cell phone users with anti-gay, anti-Obama text messages. The organization also paid nearly $375,000 to Frank Schubert, their ad guru who makes his living largely off of promoting anti-LGBT propaganda.Not so much of a "grassroots movement," is it? See the full filing here. And definitely hit the top link for more analysis from the HRC.
Labels: Brian Brown, hate groups, HRC, LGBT rights, Maggie Gallagher, NOM, Orson Scott Card, religion, theocracy, Vatican