Main | Monday, December 24, 2012

VIRGINIA: Anti-Gay Mormon Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) Busted For DUI

Anti-gay Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) was arrested in Virginia early this morning and charged with driving while intoxicated.
"Sen. Crapo was identified as the driver and arrested after failing several field sobriety tests," Donaldson said in a statement. "He was taken into custody without incident and transported to the Alexandria Adult Detention Center where he was released on a $1,000 unsecured bond." Crapo released a statement through his office Sunday, saying: "I am deeply sorry for the actions that resulted in this circumstance. I made a mistake for which I apologize to my family, my Idaho constituents and any others who have put their trust in me. "I accept total responsibility and will deal with whatever penalty comes my way in this matter. I will also undertake measures to ensure that this circumstance is never repeated."
Crapo, a Latter Day Saints member for whom alcohol is forbidden, had a .11 blood alcohol level at the time of his arrest.

RELATED: Crapo has a perfect track record of voting against LGBT rights. In June he cosigned the GOP amicus brief on behalf of the defense of DOMA. He twice voted for a federal constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and he voted against both the Hate Crimes Act and the repeal of DADT.  Crapo has a 100% rating from the Christian Coalition and a 0% rating from the Human Rights Campaign.

UPDATE: JMG reader Brad points out this line from Fox News: "Crapo has told the Associated Press in past interviews that he abstains from drinking alcohol."

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