Main | Monday, December 24, 2012

NOM Has The Sadz About Newt

Frank Schubert, NOM's evil advertising mastermind, has the super-sadz about Newt Gingrich's backpedal on same-sex marriage.
Newt Gingrich has provided valuable public service to America. As a candidate he signed NOM’s pledge to take action as president to preserve marriage. But sometimes good men say stupid things, and this is one of those times. Gingrich’s conclusion that gay “marriage” is inevitable is ridiculous. His comments suggest the results of marriage races in Maine, Maryland and Washington, which allowed three deep-blue states to endorse redefining marriage means that it is inevitable. I wonder if the Speaker also thinks that the Republican Party is doomed and can never again win a national election. After all, marriage performed, on average, 6.6 points better than did the Republican ticket in these very Democratic states. Gay “marriage” is no more inevitable than is permanent Democratic control of the White House.
Ah, satisfying.

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