Main | Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Russian Orthodox Church Backs French Catholics In Marriage Battle

The Russian Orthodox Church has issued a letter vowing its solidarity with French Catholics in their battle against the same-sex marriage bill promised by President Francois Hollande.
In a letter, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the Moscow Patriarchate's external relations director, praised Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, president of France's bishops' conference, for his "consistent and uncompromising" opposition to same-sex marriage which represented "the truly Christian view" on the issue. He told the cardinal the Moscow Patriarchate was ready to work with French bishops "to protect the Gospel's ethical values". The Russian prelate added: "It is gratifying that the French, in faithfulness to traditional morality, have not remained indifferent to the French authorities' initiative, which is unacceptable to Christians."

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