Main | Friday, December 14, 2012

Tony Perkins: The Military Hates Xmas

"For our troops in the Middle East, it's not away in a manger -- it's away goes the manger! After years of celebrating Christmas with a live nativity, the U.S. Navy is ordering military families to tear down its display on a Bahrain base. Service members were stunned. The news was most upsetting for the kids, who look forward to playing their parts all year long. 'It was devastating,' one officer told Fox News. 'Here we are serving in the Middle East, defending our country and other people's religions... and we can't even enjoy our own.' The order came down just days after a secular group, the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, complained that the nativity somehow endangered U.S. lives. 'It's unconstitutional,' the group argued, 'it's bad for the military, and in a Muslim country, it's dangerous.' Funny , that didn't seem to matter when our troops flew rainbow flags over camps in Afghanistan -- or hosted gay pride parties at our Baghdad embassy. Where was the concern for Muslim sensitivities then?" - Hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.

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