Main | Sunday, January 20, 2013

At JC Penney In Utah

Via the Salt Lake Tribune:
Kelley described himself as a firm believer in Second Amendment rights and said he decided to bring the guns to the store to demonstrate that they are not dangerous in the hands of law-abiding citizens. According to Kelley, the rifle was an unloaded AR-15 and the handgun was a loaded Glock 19C. He said he has a concealed-carry permit, is a former member of the military and contacted police dispatch before leaving his home to tell them about his plans. Kelley also said he was told that he was "well within his rights" and that bystanders’ reactions were positive. "I felt no negative vibes from anyone," Kelley said. "I think it went rather surprisingly well." Kelley added that he carries weapons to protect children and other people from "criminals, cartels, drug lords and other "evil men."

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