Main | Saturday, January 12, 2013

Brian Brown Is In France

"A massive rebellion against gay marriage is brewing in France. I'm here now, and I'll report to you first hand from the rally planned for Sunday. To read the news accounts in the U.S., you would think gay marriage is inevitable here. Like everywhere. That's what they always say, right? Recognize that argument for what it is: a tactic to make you feel helpless and impotent and therefore submissive. To get you to give up and just submit to whatever they have planned. There are only two things we know for sure about the future: it hasn't happened yet. And for those of us who are people of faith—we know that God is in charge. But to be here is to recognize something extraordinary is happening, something totally unpredicted when French President Francois Hollande set out to pass gay marriage: a massive popular rebellion." - Hate group leader and Vatican stooge Brian Brown. (Remember how NOM screams about outsider interference?)

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