Main | Friday, January 11, 2013

Wayne Besen Vs Peter Sprigg

Today Truth Wins Out head Wayne Besen appeared on CNN to counter Family Research Council spokesdouche Peter Sprigg, who is ever so pissed about the Louie Giglio flap. Note that Sprigg doesn't attempt to deny his calls for the imprisonment and deportation of gay Americans.

UPDATE: Think Progress reporter Zack Ford reacts.
Jeremy Hooper is right to celebrate this as a victory for GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability Project, which seeks to expose the anti-LGBT records of conservative spokespeople whose positions are typically not given proper context by the news outlets that interview them. Sprigg’s presence on CNN is the quintessential example of this whitewashing, because as Besen pointed out, his positions are seemingly even more anti-LGBT than Pastor Giglio’s. Sprigg has proven time and time again that he does not even have the most basic understanding of sexuality but does have a significant antipathy toward the very existence of gays and lesbians. He has no authority to speak about LGBT issues, and CNN should learn from this interview not to provide a pedestal for his bigoted point of view again.

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