Main | Thursday, January 17, 2013

FRANCE: Gay Paris Mayor Fines Anti-Gay Marriage Group For Repairs

Openly gay Paris Mayor Betrand Delanoe has a levied a €100,000 repair fine against the organizers of Sunday's massive anti-gay marriage rally.  Gay Star News reports:
The money is to cover damages by the protestors to the grass on the Champs-de-Mars where they congregated at the end of their "March For All." But it has been criticized, with some accusing Delanöe of being unfair because he is gay and supports marriage equality. "It is absolutely ridiculous," Xavier Bongibault told The Local. "He would never do that if it was a pro-gay marriage demonstration. He has taken a militant position towards us. He himself gave his agreement that the march could go ahead," said Bongibault, who is also gay but opposes marriage equality. Others involved have said they won’t pay up but Delanoë has reportedly sent the invoice to France’s interior ministry who he says should pass it on to the organizers.
Xavier's name rang a bell for me and yup, he's one of the homocon tools featured in NOM's "gays against gay marriage" video series.

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