Main | Monday, January 21, 2013

UTAH: Fired For Supporting Obama

The owner of a Utah-based company says that he fired two employees because they supported the re-election of President Obama.
“They were Obama supporters. We just knew they were," Terry Lee, owner of Terry Lee Forensics, a Cedar City, Utah, digital forensics company, told The Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday.  Lee first mentioned the firings in the comments section of another story in the Tribune about a Vernal, Utah, smoothie shop owner charging "liberals" a higher price than "conservatives" for drinks. That shop owner said "liberal programs" are costing his business more, so it’s only fair that left-leaning customers should pay more. According to the Tribune, Lee showed his support for the tactic by writing: "Love it. We had to let two employees go to cover new Obongocare [sic] costs and increased taxes. Found two Obongo supporters and gave them the news yesterday. They wanted the idiot in the Whitehouse [sic], they reap the benefits.”  The comment was later deleted by the author.
An official from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says that the firings do not "violate any of the statutes we enforce, which cover race, religion, age, gender, national origin." The owner of the business is being cheered across the right wing blogosphere.

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