Main | Friday, January 11, 2013

Press Release Of The Day

Eugene Delgaudio today issued a press release claiming victory over the SPLC because a judge ordered them to take his home address off some portion of their copyright lawsuit against him. The SPLC put that address on there, you see, so that violent homofascists like the FRC shooter would know where to find him.
After SPLC attorneys refused a request to immediately remove the home address, Public Advocate asked the Court to order its removal and to bar SPLC's use of his address in other ways. The Court granted Public Advocate's motion, ordering SPLC attorneys to file a redacted version so that the private address would not be disclosed. In its request to the Court, Public Advocate explained that SPLC had labeled it an "Anti-Gay" Hate Group because of its position against homosexual marriage. Public Advocate pointed out to the Court that after Family Research Council was identically labeled a "Anti-Gay" Hate Group by SPLC, a homosexual activist attacked the FRC offices in Washington, D.C., shooting and wounding a security guard. The activist was later indicted for committing domestic terrorism.  In fact, this activist was the first person ever indicted under the District of Columbia's anti-terror statute. In the investigation of the shooting, Public Advocate was advised by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that the shooter possessed a list of pro-Family organizations he had obtained from the Internet, including FRC and Public Advocate. Further, the FRC shooter had been seen at Public Advocate's office.
Bolding is mine. I've not seen any news reports that back that final claim.

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