Main | Wednesday, April 03, 2013

SPLC Adds Pro-Gun Groups To Lawsuit Against Eugene Delgaudio

Via press release from the Southern Poverty Law Center:
Two pro-gun groups conspired with an anti-gay hate group to create political mailers that used a gay couple’s copyrighted engagement photo to attack candidates in the 2012 Colorado Republican primaries, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which filed a motion with the court today seeking to add the pro-gun groups and other individuals as defendants to the ongoing federal lawsuit brought on behalf of the couple and photographer. The motion filed today reveals a scheme in which two Colorado-based pro-gun groups, the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) and the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO), worked with Public Advocate of the United States to produce mailings that used the photo of Brian Edwards and Thomas Privitere, created and owned by Kristina Hill, without the photographer or couple’s permission.

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