Main | Friday, May 24, 2013

Mark Carson Vs Jodi Arias

Carlos Maza writes at Equality Matters:
According to an Equality Matters analysis, while all three major cable news networks extensively covered Arias’ trial and her plea to jurors to avoid the death penalty, CNN spent less than one minute discussing Carson’s murder, and Fox News ignored the story completely. Only MSNBC devoted a full segment to Carson’s murder, rightly pointing out the recent surge in anti-gay violence even as LGBT people win legislative battles across the country. So what explains the failure of major cable news networks to cover Carson’s story?

For some networks, the decision to ignore the Carson case and focus on the Arias trial likely has more to do with ratings than anything else. Arias’ plea to avoid the death penalty was a ratings gold mine for cable news networks, despite the substantive portion of her trial having been over for weeks. For Fox, ignoring Carson’s murder fits into the network’s larger pattern of downplaying anti-LGBT violence and harassment while peddling trivial anti-equality horror stories.
Read the full story by Maza.

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