Main | Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Press Release Of The Day

From France's Manif Pour Tous:
More than 120 000 protesters in 15 French cities against Taubira's law: Building up to the Mega-Demonstration on May 26 in Paris.  Demonstrations for alterity in marriage all over France, demonstration against austerity at the place de la Bastille, it seems that it's high time for the President to listen to the French people!  It is high time that this law, a law that wounds democracy and weakens families and children, be abandonned. The executive branch's strategy is clear and politically manipulative: mollify the people by delaying debate on assisted reproduction to start again when the political climate is sunnier.

From the beginning, our message has been clear: WE WILL GIVE UP NOTHING.

This movement was born of opposition to this law. It will not stop until the law has been withdrawn. We will relentlessly continue to warn the French people of the dangers of this law. And we will defend the right of conscience for mayors opposed to this law. We will express this resolve massively, determinedly, peacefully during the May 26 MEGA-DEMONSTRATION in Paris and during other actions, diverse, peaceful, and continuous, until we are heard by the government.

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