Main | Sunday, June 09, 2013

Britain's Got Eggs

During last night's finale of Britain's Got Talent a member of the onstage orchestra left her seat to hurl eggs at Simon Cowell.
Natalie Holt, 30, stormed the stage as opera singers Richard and Adam Johnson were approaching the climax of their performance of To Dream The Impossible Dream and began pelting the music mogul. Speaking to the Telegraph she explained: “I basically took a stand against people miming on television and against Simon and his dreadful influence on the music industry". This came less than two hours after she issued an official apology in which she said that her actions were "silly". "I want to apologise to Richard and Adam for overshadowing their performance," she had said. "I’ve never done anything like this before and in hindsight I have realised it was a silly thing to do".
The show's producers cut to a long shot moments after the egging began and security rushed her off of the stage. She did reportedly hit her target at least once. The incident begins at the 1:45 mark in the clip below.

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