Main | Saturday, June 08, 2013

One Million Moms Vs The Fosters

"Dear Joe,  ABC Family Channel has several anti-family programs and has now added to that growing list. ABC Family's new show The Fosters is about a lesbian couple and their diverse family. While foster care and adoption is a wonderful thing and the Bible does teach us to help orphans, this program is attempting to redefine marriage and family by having two moms raise these children together. Unacceptable content in the first episode included one foster child as an inmate in a juvenile detention center, sneaking and selling prescription drugs to earn money, a lesbian couple kissing on the mouth and snuggling in bed together, mentioning they are gay multiple times and purchasing condoms for their eldest son.

"In a previous Action Alert we warned ABC Family Network that if the show aired then we would contact sponsors, so that is exactly what we will now do. Please send an email letter to the sponsors of this week's program "The Fosters." This week's national sponsors were: Olive Garden, Pier 1 Imports, Popeye's, Wendy's and Royal Caribbean. Urge advertisers to place it on their 'do not advertise' list in protest of the attempt to desensitize America and our children by promoting inappropriate behavior on a family channel." - Monica Cole, head of One Million Moms, via email.

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