Main | Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Email Of The Day - Eugene Delgaudio

"Joe, The Homosexual Lobby is getting impatient. You see, Obama promised them sweeping special rights in his second term in exchange for his re-election. Radical homosexual activists did their part to the tune of millions of dollars. But thanks to the pro-Family opposition from Public Advocate, Obama has stalled on some of his most radical plans. And the radical homosexual activists who put him there are not happy. First Lady Michelle Obama witnessed their wrath first hand during a pro-homosexual fundraiser.

"As she was speaking, she was interrupted by a radical activist DEMANDING Obama bypass Congress and pass the Gay Bill of Special Rights by Executive Order. If the Gay Bill of Special Rights is passed by Executive Order, it will affect not only the entire federal bureaucracy but every employer who contracts with the federal government too. By the estimates of the Homosexual Lobby, this order will affect more than 20% of the U.S. workforce! Can you pledge today to support Public Advocate in our fight by making a financial contribution? Even just $5 or $10 is a huge blessing." - Virginia crackpot Eugene Delgaudio, the only person stopping an executive order on federal contractors, via email.

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