Main | Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New Muppet Has Imprisoned Dad

Sesame Street has introduced a new Muppet whose father is in prison. From today's New York Daily News:
The popular children’s television series hasn’t shied away from tough topics in the past, and has introduced a new muppet named Alex as a way to talk about the stigma of having a parent in jail. “I just miss him so much,” the fuzzy blue-haired muppet says of his locked-up dad, adding, “Sometimes I just feel like I want to pound on a pillow and scream as loud as I can.” The sensitive subject is being featured in an online teaching kit called, “Little Children, Big Challenges.” The clips featuring Alex aren’t actually being aired on television, and he isn’t being introduced as a regular character on the show.
Hit the link to see a clip. (Tipped by JMG reader Win)

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