Main | Thursday, June 06, 2013

World Net Daily: Christian America Must Wage War Against Pagan Homosexuals

"Those who embrace homosexual marriage and homosexual Scouting – or homosexuality in general – know little and practice nothing of Christianity. Christians must not only be allowed to have opinions, but politically, Christians must be retrained to war for the Soul of America and quit believing the fabricated whopper of the 'Separation of Church and State,' the lie repeated ad nauseum by the left and liberals to keep Christian America – the moral majority – from imposing moral government on pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media. If the American experiment with freedom is to end after 237 years, let each of us commit to brawl all the way to the end because, 'Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization.'" - David Lane, writing for World Net Daily.

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