HomoQuotable - Thomas Roberts
"Reince Priebus, when I got engaged, congratulated me at the White House Correspondents' weekend. Last year, Sean Spicer congratulated me on getting married to my husband. Yet they incorporate into the platform of the RNC their stance against marriage equality. It's odd, because why congratulate me? I didn't bring it up, I didn't say give me a congratulations, but they offered it. So it's odd, because then they'll go out and drumbeat that they're against marriage equality. It's weird." - MSNBC host Thomas Roberts, speaking today on Morning Joe. Spicer, who is the RNC's communications director, emailed Politico to respond: "Believing marriage is between one man and one woman and being polite, courteous and respectful are not mutually exclusive."
Labels: GOP, HomoQuotable, marriage equality, MSNBC, Reince Priebus, RNC, Thomas Roberts