Main | Wednesday, August 07, 2013

ILLINOIS: Hate Group Compares Gay Marriage To Incest, Polygamy, Blah, Blah

"Arguing that marriage should be available to any human beings who profess to love each other not only ignores unique biological fruitfulness of male and female unions, but it also makes us wonder when -- and why -- plaintiffs would ever draw the line. Stretching plaintiffs' rationale to the limits of their logic, why or how could they bar or limit the legality of 'marriages' between brothers and sisters, so long as they profess 'love' toward one another, or between cousins of close consanguinity, let alone polygamy, or polyandry, or even polyamory. Thus the plaintiffs' rationale goes far beyond the pale, founders on its own illogic, and affords no good reason at all for overturning our traditional, classic understanding of this vital social institution" - Thomas More Society president Tom Brejcha, on yesterday's oral arguments before the Cook County Circuit Court in Illinois, where the ACLU and Lambda Legal are attempting to overturn the ban on same-sex marriage. Thomas More is representing two downstate county clerks in the suit.

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