Main | Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Matt Barber's Prayer For America

"Father God, Son and Holy Spirit, Maker of heaven and earth, You are the First Cause of these United States of America. You are the Author of all that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. We confess that we have perverted Your design for human sexuality. We have taken sins that You deem 'abominable' and called them 'equality.' We have mocked marriage, spurred divorce, scorned purity, glorified promiscuity, sexualized our children, belittled our stay-at-home mothers, stunted natural reproduction and called it all 'liberation.' Your word tells us that 'the wages of sin is death.' Indeed, as died many once mighty, hard-fallen nations before us, justice demands that we reap a yield most destructive. And we may yet. Even still, we implore You to suspend sentence. For these and manifold sins, hitherto unnamed, of both act and omission – individual and corporate – we beg your forgiveness, Lord Jesus." - Hate group leader Matt Barber, writing for Townhall.

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