Main | Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Today's Money Beg From The ADF

The Alliance Defending Freedom, which works nationwide to thwart freedom, has issued a money beg declaring that "foreign warheads" are aimed at the religious liberties of Christians.  Examples of these non-domestic nukes somehow include the Supreme Court rulings that legalized sodomy and outlawed the death penalty for minors. Because gays belong in prison and teenage killers deserve lethal injections, apparently.
Your gift today can provide the ammunition to fight and win. We must win these crucial battles. Eternity is at stake for countless people. That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom is working so hard to mobilize attorneys abroad. We must disarm all the potential foreign law "warheads" that could be launched to destroy religious freedom in America. These "warheads" are armed and dangerous. We can’t let them reach our homeland. Please pray for victory. And please give as generously as you can now to win battles abroad . . . and defend your religious freedom at home!
(Via Good As You)

RELATED: In January, Lisa Biron, an attorney for the ADF, was found guilty on eight counts of producing child pornography. The star of her films? Her daughter.  Biron was sentenced in May to 40 years in prison.

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