Main | Thursday, January 10, 2013

Alliance Defense Fund Lawyer Found Guilty On Eight Felony Child Porn Counts

In her day job, Alliance Defense Fund-affiliated lawyer Lisa Biron provided free legal work for Christians working to thwart LGBT rights.  But her other job of producing child pornography just won her eight felony convictions.
A Manchester lawyer has been found guilty of exploiting a 14-year-old girl to produce child pornography, The Associated Press reported. Lisa Biron, 43, was accused of videotaping the girl having sex with two men. Biron faced eight federal indictments on charges of child sexual exploitation, transporting a child across state lines to produce child pornography and possession of child pornography, and was convicted on all of them after the jury deliberated for less than an hour. The trial began Wednesday, with prosecutors calling to the stand two men who said Biron videotaped them having sex with the 14-year-old. The final witness for the prosecution was an FBI agent who specializes in computer forensics. He testified that he retrieved pornographic images from a computer that had Biron listed as the owner. He said a confiscated iPhone also had a sexually explicit video involving the girl.
As she was being led away to await her likely lengthy prison sentence, Biron was heard blaming her 14 year-old victim.

RELATED: The Alliance Defense Fund is continuing to scrub their Facebook page of mentions of their star attorney and is banning anybody who dares mention her name.

UDPATE: The identity of the victim in the case had been shielded ever since Lisa Biron was arrested as is the standard for victims of sexual abuse. The Associated Press is now reporting that the victim was her daughter.
A New Hampshire mother wept openly in court as prosecutors played video of an alleged sexual encounter between her and her own 14-year-old daughter as a child sexual exploitation and pornography case got under way Wednesday with graphic testimony about sex acts the girl allegedly performed while her mother videotaped them.  Jury deliberations in the child exploitation trial of the Manchester lawyer could begin as early as Thursday in U.S. District Court in Concord. Her attorney has said he will call no witnesses. U.S. Attorney John Kacavas told jurors the defendant acted not like a mother, but as the girl’s “pot pusher, her pornography producer and her predator.”

Two men testified they had sex with the defendant and with her daughter multiple times during separate encounters in 2012, one in Canada and the other at the attorney’s home. Both said the defendant recorded several of the sexual encounters on a smartphone.  The Associated Press doesn’t typically identify victims of sexual assault; it is not naming the mother to avoid identifying the girl. Throughout his opening remarks, Kacavas repeatedly told the jury, “She should have been a mom” as he laid out the defendant’s alleged misdeeds. But as the day progressed, he repeatedly told the jury, “Let me show you another video.”

As jurors watched recordings of various sexual encounters, the defendant averted her eyes from the laptop screen in front of her and dropped her head into one hand. The final video, prosecutors said, depicted the defendant having oral sex with her daughter. Before introducing it into evidence, prosecutors had the girl’s father — the defendant’s ex-husband — identify the voices captured on tape. He wept uncontrollably after identifying the voices as his daughter’s and his ex-wife’s and left the courtroom before the tape was played for the jury.
That bolded line from the AP is crap, because the case has such huge notoriety (and not just in little New Hampshire) there is NO way people don't know to whom they are referring. Lisa Biron has been named in dozens of published reports.

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