Liberals Are Twerking America
"The tiresome antics of former Disney princess Miley Cyrus exemplifies a larger phenomenon. Liberalism, in our culture and in our politics, is figuratively twerking all normal Americans. And it is up to us to fight back. A trillion dollars borrowed from our grandkids for a hideous 'stimulus' that went straight into the pockets of liberal constituencies! You’ve been twerked! A tax increase on people who actually produce something so even more money can be transferred to Democrat voters who don’t? You’ve been twerked! Rights of free speech, religious conscience, to keep and bear arms, to be secure from unreasonable searches? America, you have been twerked! The proper response to a literal twerker is, 'Get that thing out of my face.' The proper response from normal Americans to the liberalism’s figurative twerkers is a good, swift kick." - Kurt Schlicter, writing for Townhall.
Labels: crackpots, Tea Party, teabaggers, Townhall