Main | Monday, September 09, 2013

Super Ultra Reality Television

Gone viral with over 7M views on YouTube is the below ad for LG's new super-dooper high resolution  television. The Slate reviewed the commercial today:
While an HD TV has 1920 x 1080 pixels in its screen, the new 4Ks have a whopping 3840 x 2160. That’s four times the number of pixels! In other words, a 4K TV will have twice the horizontal/vertical resolution of an HD TV that’s the same physical size (say, a 55” diagonal screen). Of course, advertising something like that is difficult, given that customers will be watching any ads on a screen that almost by definition* will have lower resolution. So, to demonstrate just how good their screen is, the folks at LG put together a clever ad that’s currently going viral. They installed a TV in the wall of a room like it was a window, and then displayed a video of the cityscape. If you walked into the room, you’d think you were looking out a window. They then set up a fake job interview and invited applicants into the room… it’s actually pretty funny, if you like incredibly cruel pranks.
Hit the link for an extremely tech-y discussion of whether the victims of such a prank could actually mistake even this high-end image for the view through a window.

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