Main | Friday, November 08, 2013

Fred Karger On Mormons & ENDA

"This would not have happened without the blessing of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church). The Mormon Church got a big black eye five years ago for all it did to pass Proposition 8 in California, which wrote discrimination into the state Constitution and took away gay marriage in the nation's largest state. So in order to try to make amends, the Mormon Church led the effort to pass a workplace and housing nondiscrimination law in Salt Lake City in 2009. [snip]

"There are 10 Mormon members of the House of Representatives. If the Mormon Church would use its influence to get all 10 Mormon House members to support ENDA and have them to put some friendly pressure on Speaker Boehner, ENDA would likely become law. They need to lean on the Speaker to at least let ENDA come to the House floor for a vote, and then work diligently for its passage. Let's hope that the Mormon Church, which advocates equal protection for all Americans, will stand up once again and help ENDA become the law of the land." - 2012 GOP presidential candidate Fred Karger, writing for the Huffington Post.

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