Main | Friday, December 20, 2013

Bradlee Dean: New York City Is Teaching Bestiality In Public Schools

"When we talk of the left in this country, it's really what the right has tolerated. There wouldn't be a left if the right was doing the right thing all of the time. And I wish people in America would just come to the terms and to the facts that when we're talking about those that again are on the left, we're really talking about a lawless people, we're talking about a criminal population that is only complained about because the right is tolerating their crimes committed against the constitutional republic. You're dealing with an educational system - National Education Association - they're so demoralized [sic], they're so irrational that now they have something called the homosexual caucus; that wasn't good enough, now they have a drag queen caucus. In New York City, they're teaching kids bestiality in public schools." - Hate group cuckoo bird Bradlee Dean, speaking on End Times Radio.

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