Main | Wednesday, January 01, 2014

CA Haters Have The Rose Bowl Sadz

The virulently anti-gay Save California is calling on its followers to contact every sponsor of today's Rose Bowl Parade. They also asked their supporters to bring anti-gay signs to the parade and to boo the gay couple as they pass on their float.
On New Year's Day in the world-famous Rose Parade in Pasadena, California, these two practitioners of homosexuality will illogically proclaim themselves "husband and husband," and kiss on the lips to be seen by every child watching. This is outrageous and your protest needs to be recorded. If enough people speak out, perhaps the organizers and sponsors of the Rose Parade will not repeat this spectacle. Here are action steps suggested by and Boycott the 2014 Rose Parade. Please alert others who care about role models for children and know that marriage is only for a man and a woman. Contact the Tournament of Roses and tell them to please exclude this exhibition from the parade. Go to the Rose Parade Facebook page and add a comment about what you think about this. Here is a quick list of sponsors: Please call them and ask them to protest this idiotic decision. additionally suggests that spectators on the parade route either loudly boo, or bring and hold up signs reading "Marriage is ONLY for 1 man + 1 woman") or similar.
The parade is about half over at this writing.

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