Main | Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Teabagger: Move US Capital To Nebraska

He's running for the US Senate. Via Breitbart:
"As someone who's not a career politician, I wanted to introduce myself to Nebraskans in a way that would explain what this campaign is about," Sasse said in an exclusive statement to Breitbart News. "DC is a sick, dysfunctional place. I've seen it up close. We're going to lose our country if we don't act quickly." Sasse, a university president known as an expert on Obamacare and health policy, suggested that if you can't put enough Nebraska into Washingon, maybe it's time to move Washington to Nebraska.Though he understands it's not a realistic goal to move our nation's capital to the Cornhusker State, the "thought experiment" is meant to represent the average American's frustration with Washington, regardless of which party is in power.
He was Assistant Secretary of Health under Dubya.

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