Main | Friday, February 21, 2014

Activists Heckle Scott Lively At DC Press Conference For New Anti-Gay Hate Group

The Washington Blade's Michael Lavers reports that two activists disrupted the press conference held at the National Press Club yesterday by Scott Lively to announce the new anti-gay hate group formed in partnership with Porno Pete LaBarbera. Lively got very upset: "Every time we come forward to speak the truth from our perspective, we are interrupted by homofascists! THIS is what we call homofascism! I would like to know if there is security! We rented this room!" Security guards ejected the pair, but not before one declared, "I am - I swear Scott - a homofascist! Stop the killing that is going on in your name in Uganda and Russia!" Just FANTASTIC.

(Tipped by JMG reader Eric)

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