Main | Thursday, February 20, 2014

Brian Brown Has The Kansas Sadz

"The Kansas Senate has halted debate on a vitally important piece of legislation — a bill to protect people of faith from having to violate their conscience by being forced to participate in same-sex 'marriage' ceremonies. The Kansas House overwhelmingly passed HB 2453, but Senate President Susan Wagel has refused to allow a committee hearing or vote on the legislation. Please email your state senator today urging him or her to demand a committee hearing and vote on this important legislation! Almost from the start of the debate over redefining marriage, experts on both sides have warned of the coming conflict involving religious liberty. What were once hypothetical controversies have now become very real, as people of faith — those who believe that God designed marriage as the union of one man and one woman — have repeatedly been forced to compromise and violate their consciences with respect to same-sex 'marriage' — all in the name of 'tolerance'!" - Hate group leader Brian Brown, posting to NOM's blog.

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