Main | Friday, March 21, 2014

Fox Anchor Shep Smith Attends LGBT Journo Gala, Does Not Come Out

Last week I reported that Fox anchor Shep Smith was the list of attendees for the annual gala held by the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, which was held last night in NYC. As you can see from Don Lemon's selfie above, Smith did attend. But he did not come out despite being confronted by a reporter from the Washington Blade.
“I’m going to walk over here,” he said as the Washington Blade asked him about his sexual orientation during NLGJA’s Headlines and Headliners fundraiser at the Prince George Ballroom in Manhattan. A Gawker reporter with whom the Blade spoke outside the venue said Smith took a picture of him with his cell phone as he walked to his car. The Fox News anchor rushed past the reporter as he tried to ask him questions. Blade Editor Kevin Naff outed Smith in 2005 after Smith hit on him in a Manhattan bar. That incident was featured in the documentary film “Outrage;” he recounted the experience earlier this month. “Our company’s the sponsor,” Smith told the Blade. “I’m really happy to be here and it’s great to see a lot of old friends.
(Via Towleroad)

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