Main | Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sandy Rios Defends Austin Ruse

"Austin was talking about the damage that’s being done to innocent children in our culture, whether it’s our children in public schools, whether it’s those of you who handle and mold and shape their minds in colleges and universities. You are in the business of defiling them, of perverting their innocence, of sexualizing them, it isn’t us that condemns you, it’s God himself." - American Family Association radio host Sandy Rios, defending Breitbart columnist and hate group leader Austin Ruse, who was fired by the AFA last week after saying that liberal college professors "should all be taken out and shot." Ruse was filling in on Rios' show.

RELATED: In addition to writing for Breitbart, Ruse is the head of C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute, which is a member of the World Congress of Families, the coalition working with NOM and others to export anti-gay hatred to foreign counties. During a speech at CPAC 2012, Ruse denounced the United Nations for issuing a resolution against the gay death penalty.

UPDATE: Right Wing Watch notes that a Catholic priest has resigned from the board of Ruse's C-FAM group following a petition campaign from the LGBT religious group, Faithful America.

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