Wingnuts Turn On Rand Paul, Part Three
"As certainly Sen. Paul knows, the President is on an anti-family, anti-life, anti-marriage, anti-religious liberty crusade, using the power of the presidency, executive orders regulation, pressure from the Justice Department, to undermine basic institutions of our country and of our culture. I think he's hurting himself. And I think once this becomes more widely known, I believe it will hurt his or any other Republican presidential possibility, if they're telling millions of American voters that make up the core of the conservative coalition that he or anybody else does not intend to deal with those issues." - Former Family Research Council president and failed 2000 presidential candidate Gary Bauer, speaking to OneNewsNow.
Labels: 2014 elections, Christianists, Gary Bauer, GOP, marriage equality, Rand Paul, religion, Tea Party, teabaggers