Main | Thursday, May 22, 2014

And That Leaves North Dakota

Via the Associated Press:
Six couples filed a federal lawsuit Thursday seeking to block South Dakota's gay marriage ban, leaving North Dakota as the only state in the country with an unchallenged law prohibiting same-sex weddings. South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has said he's obligated by law to defend both the state constitution and state statutes. He's among the defendants that also include Gov. Dennis Daugaard, Health Secretary Doneen Hollingsworth, Public Safety Secretary Trevor Jones, Pennington County Register of Deeds Donna Mayer and Brown County Register of Deeds Carol Sherman. Five of the couples already got married in Iowa, Connecticut and Minnesota. The sixth couple was denied a marriage license Thursday, Newville said.
The AP adds that the Minneapolis attorney representing the South Dakota couples is "seriously considering" also representing several North Dakota couples that have contacted him.

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