Main | Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Philadelphia Archbishop Has The Sadz

"The federal district court decision striking down Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act is a mistake with long-term, negative consequences. Like many other Pennsylvanians, I hope that an appeal will be made promptly. Laws that defend the traditional definition of marriage were enacted for sound reasons—namely to defend the rights of children and contribute to the well-being of the larger community. Marriage is more than a private arrangement between two people. It’s a public commitment of love and fidelity, and it’s ordered not just to companionship but to creating and rearing new life. This is why every child deserves a mother and a father in a loving marriage, and the child is the fruit of that love." - Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, writing on his Facebook page. (Via Good As You)

RELATED: Last year Archbishop Chaput ordered all five of his districts to organize buses to transport parishioners to NOM's hate march in Washington DC.

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