Crazy Eyes 2016?
"The one issue that is near and dear to my heart is to stand strong for the Jewish state of Israel. I sit on an intelligence committee -- I'm very deeply concerned about national security and foreign affairs. And I want to continue to stay involved in that realm. I hope to remain active on the media on the national level and also speak across the United States, and internationally, and continue to write and perhaps do some teaching. But I intend to want to continue the message because we need to have a very strong, powerful, united voice standing strong for the Jewish state. And the Jewish state clearly is under attack, not just in her own backyard, but here in the United States. We need strong voices standing up for Israel and I intend to continue to do that until my last breath." - Rep. Michele Bachmann, declining to tell Ben Shapiro whether she plans to run for president again. Bachmann's final term in the House expires in January.
Labels: 2016 elections, crazy people, GOP, Israel, Michele Bachmann, religion, Tea Party, teabaggers