Main | Thursday, September 25, 2014

Perkins: The Left Fears My Hate Summit

"Pop Quiz: What annual event has the Left so worried that they are spending tens of thousands in advertising dollars to stop? You guessed it; the Values Voters Summit. In the Washington Post, leftwing groups including GLAAD, (known for its failed campaign to fire Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson,) the anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center, and the George Soros-funded 'Faithful America,' signed onto a three-quarters page ad demanding that speakers 'not attend the Values Voter Summit.' The ad complains that I described homosexual activist Dan Savage's attacks on Christians as 'disgusting.' I believe most people would be hard pressed to disagree with my assertion. The Left is clearly discouraged by the effectiveness of the Values Voter Summit and is willing to fork over a lot of money to stifle speech they disagree with." - KKK-affiliated hate group leader Tony Perkins, via press release.

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