Main | Thursday, October 16, 2014

Houston Headlines In Teabagistan

ABOVE: World Net Daily, Townhall, Canada Free Press, and PJ Media. The madness has already spawned a Snopes entry. And of course, Brian Brown never misses an opportunity:
Let me express both my gratitude and my admiration for the courageous religious leaders who were not only brave enough to preach hard moral truths in a society that is not welcoming of the discomfort they may bring, but also willing to stand up as champions in the face of Caesar's persecution. Mayor Parker’s inquisition intentionally tramples the First Amendment, violating the most fundamental essence of the separation of church and state that the left claims to champion. But even more alarming is the fact that this action is simply the latest in a series of actions by which the government (controlled by leftist ideologues) is lashing out at those who dare to disagree with their radical agenda. We saw this most egregiously with the IRS scandal, at which NOM was at the center. Please take a moment to take action and send the mayor of Houston an email telling her to cease and desist on this unconstitutional assault on our precious religious freedoms. And, if you have a moment, please call her office (713-837-0311) and let her know that Americans like you and I will not stand for this kind of abuse against our religious leaders. Believe me, if they get away with this in Houston, they'll believe they can get away with it anywhere.
Brown's press release links to his email-harvesting petition site which, of course, will lead to a money beg.

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