Jennifer LeClaire: Atheists On Twitter Are Trying To Stir Up Witches Against Me
"This may never happen to you, but I got a good laugh this week when some unbeliever - or perhaps someone who has been hurt deeply by the church - launched a miniature Twitter campaign trying to stir up witches against me. Needless to say, it didn't work. When demonic activity is rising in a city, a sensitive Christian will discern it. Unless you know what is operating, you will think the imaginations against your mind are you, or the fatigue is natural because you get up so early, or the feelings of giving up are legitimate because of the long trial you've endured. I've discovered again and again that when I share the revelation on spiritual climates, this truth sets people free to submit themselves to God and resist the devil so he'll flee. Our battle is not against witches, pagans, Wiccans or heathens who practice one form of witchcraft or another. Our battle is against unseen spirits. We bless witches, pagans, Wiccans, heathens, Muslims, Mormons and everybody elseāand we're not fearful of witchcraft or curses. I have been freed to worship God without fear of curses or atheists who try to stir up witches against me (see John 8:36). And so have you! Amen." - Jennifer LeClaire, writing for the Christian site Charisma News. (Note the company in which LeClaire places Mormons.)
RELATED: Earlier this month LeClaire said that Satan celebrates every time a gay character appears on television.
Labels: Charisma News, crackpots, crazy people, get the net, Halloween, Jennifer LeClaire, loony tunes, religion, Slitherin, witches