Main | Wednesday, December 03, 2014

OHIO: Toledo Expands Local Hate Crimes Statute To Include Anti-Transgender Bias

The Toledo City Council has voted unanimously to expand its local hate crimes statute to include transgender protections. Via the Toledo Blade:
The change to the city’s hate crime law follows the brutal beating and robbery last month of a transgender woman downtown. The victim, Candice Rose Milligan, struggled to speak Tuesday to council since she had her jaw wired shut because of a broken mandible. Ms. Milligan, a well-known transgender activist in the Toledo community, said she was pleased council had passed the tougher law and hopes to encourage a statewide change. House Bill 300, which is pending in the state legislature, would expand the law to include crimes committed against people because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or disabilities. Councilman Jack Ford, who sponsored the Toledo legislation, said he wants the attack to be investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice and called for the those responsible to be prosecuted under federal hate crime laws.
Milligan's 20 year-old attacker has been apprehended but faces no enhanced penalties.

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