Main | Wednesday, January 14, 2015

TEXAS: Open Carry Crackpots Confront State Rep, Refuse To Leave His Office

Via Mediaite:
Open carry advocates descended upon the Texas capitol for the start of the 2015 legislative session Tuesday and engaged in what even some of their supporters called overly aggressive tactics. One incident, in which members accosted Representative Poncho Nevarez (D-Eagle Pass), unnerved the Texas House enough for lawmakers to call for panic buttons. The meeting in Nevaraz’s office with twenty or so members of the Tarrant County chapter of Open Carry Texas started off polite enough, but quickly turned tense when several members began calling Nevaraz a “tyrant to the constitution” and warning him, “You won’t be here long, bro.” After being asked to leave the members became belligerent, telling staffers not to touch them and claiming it was “the people’s office.” (No arrests were made.) Kory Watkins, head of the chapter, uploaded video of the incident to Facebook.
Today the Texas House did approve the placement of "panic buttons" that will summon police to the offices of state reps. Watch the clip.

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